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Why ConstrucXion?

Nearly a decade ago, I started my first company, DystrucXion, a dance and entertainment company based out of Washington, D.C. The premise of DystrucXion was to destroy traditional stereotypes regarding dancers. It was intended to create a path of self-love and self-expression for all types of dancers in a scene that emphasizes a cookie-cutter look of body type and ethnicity. My goal was to provide a platform for various women to own their identity, love themselves for who they are, and feel beautiful in their own skin. ConstrucXion is the next step in cultivating a path for everyone to find the best version of themselves through movement and healing.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines construction as the process, art, or manner of constructing something. It is not intended to be a one-time fix — we are creating a lifestyle. Our goal is to destroy old patterns of thinking and construct a new reality; a mindful lifestyle of health and healing. We are building upon the milestones of the previous stage.

The X symbolizes crossing out hatred and injustice. We are destroying old pathways and old ways of thinking, and constructing healthy patterns. This is challenging work; it is uncomfortable. It takes challenging mental and physical exercise through cardio, balancing, strength training, mediation, and necessary yet sometimes difficult conversations. Acknowledging your truth can be difficult, yet life-changing.

The X also implies inclusion of the trans and gender non-binary/non-conforming community (similar to womxn or latinx). This is an inclusive space for everyone.

Why bring in emphasis on social justice? As the leading trauma expert, Bessel van der Kolk, says, “the policies that we make determine how much trauma there is. Trauma gets played out in the political settings.” Social justice for human rights should not be political. We are currently experiencing a collective trauma in the form of COVID-19. COVID-19 has exposed just how the policies in America have created systemic racism in the form of redlining (which caused lack of access to housing and safe housing areas), wealth disparity, and lack of access to healthcare. It has also exposed the fragility of the American economy and health care system and so much more. We need a collective restructuring from the bottom up.

“Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be; embrace who you are.”

-Brene Brown

Start a new relationship with yourself now.