Building courage and healing through movement and breath.


Construct a new relationship with yourself.

We all have our own unique story that makes us who we are today. Many of us have experienced grief or traumatic events at some point in our lives. For some of us the trauma is ongoing. We often feel stuck in the past feeling helpless and dependent. Trauma lives in our body long after the experience and shows up as anxiety, anger, grief, and physical pain. Your immune system might even view the world as a fearful place. We can release this energy through various breathing and movement techniques, constructing a more fulfilled life for you. Our goal is to construct a new reality by creating a positive relationship with your own body and your body’s relationship to the outside world. There is power in body awareness and recognition of its movements in time and space.

“Jessie is just exquisite with her lead. She is poised and professional, and gives clear directions - all which create a safe and healthy space for an optimal practice.”

—Yoga Practitioner

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